Caramel Macchiato Coffee Milk
225میلی لیتر
- Fresh Cow,s Milk
- Coffee Extract
- Caramel Sugar
45days in the refrigerator
81.33 Cal
3.5 gr
0.11 gr
8.98 gr
Solatte is a cup of ready-to-drink cup of coffee not to be confused with instant coffee. It can be served either cold or hot (just remove the foil cap and heat the cup for 30 seconds in a microwave). All Solatte products are made with the best Arabica coffee beans in the market unlike products from most brands that just use instant coffee. We recommend caramel macchiato or espresso macchiato to consumers that enjoy sweet drinks or the taste of caramel. Originally from Italy, the drink is a mixture of coffee extract with caramel and a small amount of milk which contains only 1.5 percent fat. Caramel macchiato is sweeter than cappuccino and has less milk.