Cumin Gouda Cheese

Dishes,sandwiches,Pasta,Lasanga, and salad
Up to one Year Refrigerated )°2 to °6 C)


    The cumin Gouda cheese is another favorite and classic Dutch recipe with high quality and delicious spiced taste. It originated from the villages near Rotterdam and was later exported to other countries to gain global popularity. Its semi-soft style can be a great hit on your cheeseboard and also a perfect pair with crackers. If you like Gouda cheese but worry about your health because of its high salt levels, cumin Gouda is the best choice since it’s low on salt. There are different kinds of cumin Gouda available around the world. You can find very old, mature, and semi-matured types that cover all tastes and interests. The cumin seeds add a warm spicy flavor to Gouda’s favorite taste, which has been around since the 12th century. Some cooks suggest people consume the cumin Gouda cheese with spicy Thai or Indian foods to let the theme go on. Food connoisseurs test its quality by tapping on it and hearing how it sounds—the higher the tone, the better the quality. You’d better consume it at room temperature and put it out of the fridge an hour earlier. To make its taste more enjoyable, cover it with a cloth during this time.