Labneh Anne Cheese

Experience a soft texture, a pleasant taste, and a delicious breakfast with Anna Kale cheese! The product contains 20% fat and 8% protein.

  • Pasteurized Milk
  • Pasteurized Cream
  • Starter
  • Refined Edible Salt
  • Stabilizer
3 months
64.08 Cal
6 gr
0.3 gr
0.72 gr

The origin of Labneh cheese goes back thousands of years to the food culture of the people of the Middle East. This cheese is prepared by straining condensed yogurt. Labneh is a famous cheese used fresh, dry, or dipped in olive oil in other countries. Because Labneh cheese is based on yogurt, it has a lower percentage of salt than other yogurts. Labneh Ana cheese is a type of breakfast cheese with a creamy taste and less fat than different cream cheeses.