Cream Blue Cheese

    6 months refrigirated (°2 to °6 C)

    The creamy blue cheese is inspired by the delicate and mild taste of traditional blue cheese. What makes blue cheese distinct from the other types is its strong taste and sharp smell. The blue color appears due to injecting a positive mold called Penicillium roqueforti. That’s why it is famous as the blue-veined cheese, too. The body with its ivory color and gushing rivers of the blue vein can perfectly match any table beside different dishes. The creamy blue cheese was first introduced in 1969, and cheese-making companies still maintain the traditional ways of preparing it. It’s believed that blue cheese was initially made accidentally. In old times, dairy makers stored cheese inside caves where the temperature and humidity were controlled naturally. When the cheeses were kept in there for a longer time, they seemed to be rotten. But, some people tried them and noticed the perfect taste they had. Blue cheese needs between 45 – 60 days to get ready for consumption. You can pair it with fresh pears, toasted rye bread, grilled chicken, shrimps, and also roasted nuts. In some recipes, it’s also served on top of baked potatoes. Thirty minutes before eating, remove the creamy blue cheese from the refrigerator and then serve it at room temperature.